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Ads seen through YouTube. Google still remains #1 for searches, but YouTube is now #2!


Methods to deliver YouTube include:

Skippable in-stream ads

Non-skippable in-stream ads

In-feed video ads

Bumper ads

Outstream ads


Skippable In-Stream Ads play before, during, or after other videos. After 5 seconds, the viewer has an option to skip the ad. Click to View an example of Skippable In-Stream Ads HERE.


Non-skippable in-stream ads are 15 seconds (or shorter) and play before, during, or after other videos. Viewers don't have the option to skip the ad. Click to View an example of Non-skippable In-Stream Ads HERE.


In-feed video ads consist of a thumbnail image from your video with some text. These ads always invite people to click to watch the video. The video then plays on the YouTube watch page or channel homepage. Click to View an example of In-feed Video Ads HERE.


Bumper Ads are 6 seconds (or shorter) and play before, during, or after another video. Viewers don't have the option to skip the ad. Click to View an example of Bumper Ads HERE.


Outstream Ads begin playing with the sound off. Viewers can tap the ad to unmute the video. Outstream ads are designed to increase your video reach at an efficient cost. Click to View an example of Outstream Ads HERE.

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